“Warriors” (Season-1;Episode-11;aired-03/08/17)
Hit Me With Your Best Shot
We return from a three-month break and find out who will get hit by the sniper’s shot or whether Hannah was successful in throwing the shooter off enough for a miss.
And the “winner” is Pres. Kirkman.
Apparently it’s a through-and-through and no vitals were hit although he’ll be in surgery for a while which means the 25th amendment will be invoked and wily weasly MacLeish will become POTUS.
Before going into surgery, Kirkman charges Hookstraten will looking after MacLeish.
During surgery, the economy starts tanking as there are more terrorist fears. Ultimately, all turns out well when post-op POTUS walks to the window to wave to the well-wishers below
Aiming at the Target
Hannah Wells threw off the sniper’s shot but she’s still in the sights of the government as a rogue FBI agent. She’s taken into custody and is threatened with the death penalty unless she starts talking.
She’ll talk, but only to the Pres., which is unfortunate as he’s going into surgery. In a last ditch attempt, she faux-attacks Agent Ritter, the President’s main security detail, and it’s later revealed in their scuffle she told him to go find her friend and he’d catch her up on the deets.
He does so and with the information he gets, Hannah will get her face-to-face with POTUS.
Shot Missed
After POTUS is shot, MacLeish seems to be a little hesitant to his forthcoming rise to POTUS. He tells his wife he wants to “wash my hands of this”. His wife, strangely enough, seems more committed to this cause than he does.
It makes me wonder how much MacLeish really wants to be doing this and how much he is at his wife’s disposal.
After being sworn in at POTUS, he then makes some odd moves: he won’t shut down the markets and against all common sense and suggestions of others, he issues a “shoot-to-kill” order on the would-be assassin who has been located in storage.
The assassin is killed and things look bleak until the Kirkman is reinstated and makes his aforementioned post-op window waving.
NOTE: Only Jack Bauer would have been able to take a bullet like that. Pres. Kirkman is still Jack Bauer in disguise.